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Renewable Energy

Renewable energy systems provide homeowners with the means to help build a sustainable future, providing clean energy while reducing the environmental impacts associated with fossil fuels.

Zing Energy can help you make the switch to a renewable system, such as Solar PV, through a number of grant-funded initiatives, making it more accessible and affordable for homeowners and tenants throughout England and Wales.

Battery storage is becoming more popular and provides the perfect combination with your Solar panels to make the most out of your investment into renewable energy, enabling you to store and save the energy you produce

Solar PV (Photovoltaic) uses solar radiation and converts it into useable electricity in homes, powering your appliances and lighting. The solar panels do not require direct sunlight in order to work and can still generate some electricity on a cloudy day. Panels are quick and easy to fit – your contractors can get this fitted in less time than watching a movie.

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