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Internal Wall Insulation

Keep the warmth in, while keeping sound and damp out with complete internal wall insulation grant and fitting services.

An internal insulation grant is a great way to lower your energy bills, but the benefits don’t stop there. Internal wall insulation can also make your home healthier and more peaceful by reducing noise and the risk of mould. That’s why Zing Energy is dedicated to helping you access internal wall insulation grants as easily as possible.

It’s completed free to use our online application. We’ll be there through the entire process, starting with a survey of your home, through to grant funding and aftercare when the installation is done. Our bespoke support means you’ll get the internal wall insulation grants you need to increase the comfort and efficiency of your home.

  • Nine years of expertise helping homeowners and landlords
  • Trusted by local authorities and housing associations
  • Expert advisors, installers and surveyors
  • Insurance-backed guarantee on all works

Internal wall insulation grants made easy

Everyone knows that improving your home’s energy efficiency is a great move. But it’s also true that applying for grants and getting works done on your home can be a daunting task. It’s difficult to know what the right grant applications is and to how ensure you have the best chance of a successful application. And if you’re successful, how will you manage all the contractors and parties are involved?

That’s why thousands of homeowners have turned to Zing Energy to handle this process for them. It all starts with a free application. Then, after a no-obligation survey, we take care of the grant application, ensuring it’s all filled out correctly. When it’s time to install your internal wall insulation, our qualified and insured contractors take care of that too.
There’s no smoother way to go from considering internal wall insulation grants to enjoying your newly energy-improved home.

What free internal wall insulation grants are available?

The best way to access internal solid wall insulation grants is through the Energy Company Obligation (ECO) scheme. Since 2013, different stages of this scheme have used funding from the UK’s largest energy companies and suppliers to help pay for energy efficiency improvements to households. This scheme provides grants for many different energy-saving improvements, including:

  • Efficient heating solutions such as electric storage heaters
  • Flat roof and pitched roof insulation, as well as loft insulation
  • Wall insulation (cavity wall insulation and solid wall insulation)
  • And even solar panels

The most recent stage of the ECO scheme is ECO4, set to run until 31 March 2026. Its focus is saving energy in low-income households.

Am I eligible for an internal wall insulation grant?

Determining your eligibility for an ECO4 internal wall insulation grant involves assessing two key aspects of your property:

  1. 1

    Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) Rating

    Your home’s EPC rating, ranging from A (most efficient) to G (least efficient), indicates how well your property conserves energy. The ECO4 scheme targets homes in the lower efficiency categories (E, F or G), where the potential for energy-saving improvements is greatest.

  2. 2

    Household benefits

    The scheme considers the benefits received by the inhabitants of the home. This approach ensures that support is directed towards those who need it most, including households with lower incomes or those receiving certain qualifying benefits.

Understanding the EPC Requirements

An Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) provides a detailed overview of your property’s energy efficiency. If you have bought, sold or rented a property, an EPC would have been a part of your documentation. This certificate offers insights into the energy costs associated with your property and highlights areas where energy efficiency can be enhanced.

Properties with EPC ratings of E, F or G are typically less energy efficient, often due to factors like inadequate wall insulation. The ECO4 scheme focuses on these properties, offering support to upgrade their energy efficiency, which can lead to significant savings in heating costs and an overall improvement in living conditions.

If you’re uncertain about your property’s EPC rating or if you’ve not received one, the government provides resources to help you obtain this information. This step is essential, as it not only determines your eligibility for the grant but also guides you towards making informed decisions about improving your home’s energy efficiency.

3d-illustration symbol house energy efficiency

Benefits requirements

To be eligible for ECO4, your home must meet specific qualifying criteria. It must be inhabited by a person in the Help to Heat benefits group. This means that you (or your tenant, if you’re a landlord) need to receive at least one of the benefits listed under this group to qualify:

  • Income based Jobseekers Allowance (JSA)
  • Income related Employment & Support Allowance (ESA)
  • Income Support (IS)
  • Pension Credit Guarantee Credit (PCGC)
  • Working Tax Credit (WTC)
  • Child Tax Credit (CTC)
  • Universal Credit (UC)
  • Housing Benefit
  • Pension Credit Savings Credit (PCSC)
  • Child Benefit (within income caps)

Got more questions about how your benefits could make you eligible? Take a look at OFGEM’s list of FAQs about benefits and eligibility. Alternatively, just start a free online application with Zing Energy. In just a few minutes, you’ll be done.

Is internal wall insulation right for your home?

Do you have problems with condensation or want to find a way to stop heat escaping through the walls in your home? If yes, an internal solid wall insulation grant could make a big difference. Internal wall insulation provides a way of combating and solving these issues, whilst increasing the thermal efficiency of your property.

Benefits of internal wall insulation:

  • Energy costs savings: Internal wall insulation can provide you with a significant cost saving benefit on heating bills, with insulated walls helping to reduce heat-loss. This in turn decreases the reliance on energy use.
  • Easy installation: Retrofitting internal wall insulation is straightforward and can be completed within a short period of time, depending on the size of the property, with minimal disruption to householders.
  • Health benefits: Installing an insulation heating system significantly reduces the risk of condensation, dampness and mould, creating a healthier living environment, especially for occupants that suffer from respiratory illnesses.
  • Sound insulation: In addition to internal wall insulation providing greater thermal efficiencies, it can also provide sound insulation, helping to reduce noise transmission from the outside.
  • Preservation of exterior: If you live in a conservation area where external insulation may not be possible, then installing internal wall insulation could be an excellent alternative. This way, you can maintain the exterior appearance of your home.

Why opt for Zing Energy for your internal wall insulation?

Internal wall grants are a great help for many reasons. They’re greener, save energy and money, and they also help keep damp at bay. But what makes Zing Energy the best way for Welsh and English homeowners to get their internal walls and solid wall insulation grants?

  • Fully managed grant applications and installation service

    Zing Energy takes you all the way through the internal wall insulation journey with a complete, bespoke service that meets your specific needs. When you’re working with us, you’ve got our expertise at every step, including the initial survey of your property, the internal insulation grant application process, installation and post-installation support.

  • Energy efficiency expertise

    Zing Energy has been here to help with energy-saving grants and improvements since the second year of the ECO4 insulation scheme, back in 2014. Now, we’ve got the experience of helping thousands of satisfied homeowners, local authorities and housing associations under our belt.

  • Qualified insulation installation

    With Zing Energy, you’ll get great customer service, including during the installation process. Our installation technicians are qualified, skilled professionals who’ve earned us great reviews. While some disruption with internal wall insulation is inevitable, we’ll minimise it as much as possible. Plus, we’re registered with CHAS, SafeContractor, Trustmark and more.

  • The best insulation

    Our internal wall insulation products are high-quality, earning you the best in warmth retention and damp and sound exclusion.

  • Complete insurance and 12-month workmanship guarantee

    With an internal wall insulation grant through Zing Energy, you can rest easy in the knowledge that our work is guaranteed for 12 months and fully insured. And if you ever need further support, we’re still here for you.

How our process works



We will Survey your property



Check if you qualify for a Grant



Install energy saving solutions



Reducing your energy bills

Get started applying for your internal wall insulation grant now

Zing Energy makes applying for internal solid wall insulation grants easy – and manages the whole installation process too. Just complete our quick, free application form.

Internal Wall Insulation Grant FAQs

Determining if your home has solid walls is quite straightforward. Typically, houses built before the 1920s have solid walls. Unlike homes with cavity walls, solid wall homes do not have a gap between the external and internal wall layers.

You can also tell by measuring the wall thickness at a door or window – a thickness of less than 30 centimetres usually indicates solid walls.

Additionally, the brick pattern can be a clue. In solid walls, the bricks have an alternating pattern of long and short sides facing outwards. Knowing this helps in selecting the appropriate insulation method for your home.

If you’re not sure, get in touch. We can help.

Yes, installing internal wall insulation, such as insulated plasterboard, means adding a layer inside your home. The total system thickness, which includes insulation material, a vapor barrier and a plaster finish, can range from 60mm to 100mm. While this does reduce interior space slightly, the benefits of enhanced thermal efficiency and reduced heating bills can make a big difference in your comfort and energy costs.

Prior to the installation team arriving, it is essential to move any furniture and other items out of the way, so the insulation technicians can get easy access to each of the walls being insulated. Internal wall insulation work does involve a certain level of disruption and rooms may not be usable whilst the work is in progress. However, Zing Energy installers are conscientious, take care in their work and are extremely helpful.

Insulating homes which have solid walls plays a pivotal role in lowering the carbon footprint of properties, by enhancing thermal efficiency, reducing the energy required for heating, leading to decreased carbon emissions associated with energy production. Additionally, internal wall insulation can help mitigate energy waste, contributing to a more sustainable and environmentally responsible way of living.

IWI and EWI are the two main methods of improving the thermal performance of solid wall properties. However, they differ in how and where insulation is applied:


  • IWI: The insulation system is applied to the interior surfaces of the walls, finished in a plaster covering.
  • EWI: Involves adding insulation materials to the exterior of the property, finished in a protective acrylic render.

  • IWI: Installing IWI can reduce the usable interior space, as it adds thickness to the walls on the inside.
  • EWI: Does not affect interior space, as the insulation is applied externally.

  • IWI: Can impact the appearance of interior rooms. It may require redecoration and changes to fixtures like skirting boards and sills.
  • EWI: Will alter the exterior appearance of the building but offers more design flexibility for improving the building’s aesthetics.

  • IWI: Does not provide an additional layer of protection against weathering and moisture to the building’s structural walls.
  • EWI: Provides a protective layer for the building, helping to shield it from weathering, moisture and temperature fluctuations, which can extend the lifespan of the building’s structural elements.

Absolutely! We can help with grants for various other energy-saving measures. These include cavity wall insulation, external wall insulation, flat roof insulation and loft insulation grants. All these options are geared towards making your home more energy-efficient and can be tailored to your specific needs, considering factors such as household income and property type.

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